Pomerantz Appointed Lead Counsel in LexinFintech Securities Litigation

On November 19, 2020, U.S District Judge Michael H. Simon of the District of Oregon appointed Pomerantz LLP as Lead Counsel in In re LexinFintech Holdings Ltd. Sec. Litig, 20-cv-1562 (D. Or.), a securities litigation being pursued on behalf of a class of defrauded investors concerning allegations that LexinFintech Holdings Ltd.’s failed to maintain consistent operational and compliance policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, rendering the offering documents for its initial public offering invalid.

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Pomerantz Appointed Lead Counsel in Anaplan Securities Litigation

On November 12, 2020, U.S District Judge Richard Seeborg of the Northern District of California appointed Pomerantz LLP as Lead Counsel on behalf of Lead Plaintiff Fadel Sakkal in Grobler v. Anaplan Inc. et al, 20-cv-05959-RS (N.D. Cal.), a securities litigation being pursued on behalf of a class of defrauded investors regarding allegations that Anaplan, Inc. failed to disclose material adverse information about the performance of its sales organization.

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Pomerantz Achieves Major Victory for BofI Investors

Pomerantz LLP won a major victory for investors when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed, in part, the district court’s dismissal of a securities fraud class action against BofI Holding, Inc., now known as Axos Financial Inc., on loss causation grounds. BofI, short for Bank of Internet, operated as the holding company for BofI Federal Bank, now known as Axos Bank. Pomerantz is lead counsel in this litigation, in which it is alleged that BofI misled investors by misrepresenting and omitting material information in their public statements…

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Pomerantz Appointed Lead Counsel in STAAR Surgical Securities Litigation

On October 29, 2020, U.S District Judge James V. Selna of the Central District of California appointed Pomerantz LLP as Lead Counsel on behalf of Lead Plaintiff Daniel Mangas in Alwazzan v. STAAR Surgical Company, 20-cv-1533 (C.D. Cal.), a securities litigation being pursued on behalf of a class of defrauded investors…

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Pomerantz Appointed Lead Counsel in Conn's Securities Litigation

On October 27, 2020, U.S District Judge Lynn N. Hughes of the Southern District of Texas appointed Pomerantz LLP as Lead Counsel on behalf of Lead Plaintiff Ronny Alexander in Uddin v. Conn's Inc., 20-cv-1705 (S.D. Tex.), a securities litigation being pursued on behalf of a class of defrauded investors…

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Pomerantz Achieves Victory on Behalf of Apple iPhone 4s Owners

Pomerantz LLP achieved a significant victory on behalf of consumers in a case brought by iPhone 4s owners who downloaded Apple’s iOS 9 operating system onto their devices. On October 7, 2020, Judge Sterling Johnson, Jr. of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York granted Plaintiffs’ motion for class certification in Lerman v. Apple Inc.

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Pomerantz LLP Appointed Lead Counsel in Endo International plc Securities Litigation

On September 29, 2020, Pomerantz LLP was appointed Lead Counsel in a securities litigation class action lawsuit against Endo International plc, regarding allegations that the company concealed its known adverse contribution to the U.S. opioid crisis, particularly the company’s products’ disproportionate impact on New York State, and lied to health care providers about the known risks of opioids.

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Pomerantz Appointed Co-Lead Counsel in NMC Health Securities Litigation

On September 24, 2020, U.S District Judge Consuelo B. Marshall of the Central District of California appointed Pomerantz LLP as Co-Lead Counsel in Chris Hashem, et al. v. NMC Health plc, et al., a securities litigation being pursued on behalf of a class of defrauded investors regarding allegations of misstatements related to NMC’s financial stability and controls.

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Pomerantz Appointed Lead Counsel in Hebron Technology Securities Litigation

On September 16, 2020, U.S District Judge Paul A. Engelmayer of the Southern District of New York appointed Pomerantz LLP as Lead Counsel on behalf of our client, Lead Plaintiff Edward Dahlke, in In re Hebron Technology Co. Ltd. Securities Litigation, a class action concerning allegations of Hebron’s failure to disclose related parties in several of its recent acquisitions.

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Pomerantz LLP Appointed Lead Counsel in GSX Techedu, Inc. Securities Litigation

Pomerantz LLP was appointed Lead Counsel in a securities litigation class action lawsuit against GSX Techedu, Inc. concerning allegations that GSX artificially inflated its value by, among other things, overstating its profitability, revenue, student enrollment figures, teacher qualifications, and teacher selection process at the time of its IPO, damaging its financial sustainability.

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