Filtered by Tag: Sir Tony Blair

Save the Date: Pomerantz Corporate Governance Roundtable 2023

Pomerantz’s next Corporate Governance Roundtable will be held in Rome, Italy on October 23, 2023. Speaking at the Firm’s first European roundtable will be the former British Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Sir Tony Blair. Pomerantz’s Roundtables gather institutional investors from around the world to share knowledge and engage with leading experts in the areas of corporate governance, ESG, regulatory policies, and other issues that affect the value of the funds they represent. With offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Paris, Tel Aviv – and most recently, London – Pomerantz is committed to serving its clients wherever they are based. Seating at Pomerantz’s 2023 Corporate Governance Roundtable is limited. To express interest in…

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